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The story we want to tell

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Heartwarming comedy ‘You and Me makes Three’ follows Manchester couple ALANNAH and AMARA (an Irish and Nigerian British lesbian couple) on their quest to become mothers. Amara has always wanted to have a child but Alannah has only just warmed up to the idea.


Their first port of call is finding a sperm donor. After scrolling through pages and pages of donor's beautiful baby pictures, they unfortunately find out that if they want to continue with at home insemination they would need to use a "known donor" first. Without even asking, their gay best friend DAVID immediately volunteers, and since he looks exactly like all the other sperm donors they were looking at, they jump right in. Extremely excited to begin their path to parenthood, Amara surprises Alannah with a very special new toy - an insemination strap-on. Without even giving it a second thought, they inseminate a few times before doing their first pregnancy test. Better be safe, right? 


Unfortunately though, the test comes out negative, leaving Amara quite disheartened. Alannah notices and suggests she calls her mum JOY, who, after 15 minutes of showing her new baby clothes, explains that things like this take time and that she should be patient. With this new found determination they set out to try again. 


Now month 2 - no luck. Month 3 - still no luck. Surely month 4? No go. Six months later still without any luck, they decide to seek medical advice. To their surprise the doctor reveals that there's nothing wrong with Alannah but that the issue actually lies with the sperm donor... David: "My swimmers are sinkers???" What a way to find out one is infertile! This news sends Alannah and Amara right back to the drawing board, but once a new donor has been selected, they try to conceive again... and again... and again...


In total 15 months have passed without success. Joy wasn't kidding about having to be patient! After what feels like an eternity, Amara opens up about the guilt she's been feeling over not being able to help more. If only she wasn't so afraid of carrying or giving birth, then perhaps they could double their chances? Alannah reassures her that she's done nothing wrong and that's she's been more than plenty supportive during this whole process. Alannah and Amara continue to lean on each other for support. 

Will they finally conceive and start the family they've been dreaming of?


Through laughter, tears, and unwavering friendship, Alannah and Amara navigate the unpredictable road to parenthood, discovering that amidst the challenges, the greatest miracles often lie in the unexpected.

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